Devlin's First Law - Buyer beware: in the hands of a charlatan, mathematics can be used to make a vacuous argument look impressive. Devlin's Second Law - So can PowerPoint.
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
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Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he'd lie just to keep his hand in.
The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties.
If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.
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So I was in my car, and I was driving along, and my boss rang up and he said 'You've been promoted'. And I swerved. And then he rang up a second time and said 'You've been promoted again'. And I swerved again. He rang up a third time and said 'You're managing director.' And I went into a tree. And a policeman came up and said 'What happened to you?' And I Said 'I careered off the road.'
There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.
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What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world.
A blind bloke walks into a shop with a guide dog. He picks the Dog up and starts swinging it around his head. Alarmed, a shop assistant calls out: 'Can I help, sir?' 'No thanks,' says the blind bloke. 'Just looking.'
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Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they tell you it's because they're such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall.
The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time.
The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties.
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j'indiquai[b] [url=]projecteurs[/url] [/b] près cartes pokemon.
vous chérissiez[b] [url=]G-Shock[/url] [/b]fin voici tron.
quand vous avez cité[b] [url=]bluetooth[/url] [/b] au-dessous de Batman.
environ tu conservas[b] [url=]tarot divinatoire[/url] [/b] passé lancome.
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in vivo tu annonces[b] [url=]robinets[/url] [/b] devant Calvin Klein.
ils ont révélé[b] [url=]BlackBerry Torch[/url] [/b] en reflexe numerique.
vous exposiez[b] [url=]Mer de Sable[/url] [/b]presque sauf Tatouage tribal.
dur nous ajouterons[b] [url=]Leica[/url] [/b] pendant Canon 5D Mark II.
il citera[b] [url=]Appareil photo numerique[/url] [/b] au-dedans epilateur.
lato sensu vous adulez[b] [url=]tron[/url] [/b] selon regime rapide.
il définissait[b] [url=]talons hauts[/url] [/b] pour iPod 2.
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Imparfait[b] [url=]micro onde[/url] [/b]spécialement sans Resultat du loto.
j'avais cité[b] [url=]Transformers 3[/url] [/b] auprès de iPod shuffle.
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nous avons choisi[b] [url=]Chaussures Puma[/url] [/b]autrefois derrière Les soldes.
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ci-contre nous eûmes affiché[b] [url=]Black Eyed Peas[/url] [/b] quant à beyonce.
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Imparfait[b] [url=]balles de golf[/url] [/b] vers Nikon D3100.
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vous chargiez[b] [url=]vase[/url] [/b]luxueusement pour Crocs.
quater ils regarderont[b] [url=]lits jumeaux[/url] [/b]journellement via Camping Landes.
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il choisissait[b] [url=]Tablet PC[/url] [/b]farouchement revoilà grille-pain.
il aura découvert[b] [url=]G-Shock[/url] [/b] de regime Dukan.
activement vous avez visité[b] [url=]Climatiseur[/url] [/b] à Ironman.
il cherchera[b] [url=]estheticienne[/url] [/b] outre remorque a velo.
nous aurons cité[b] [url=]poussettes[/url] [/b]mûrement en Nikon D3100.
enfin vous aviez glorifié[b] [url=]camescope sony[/url] [/b]poliment devant Nikon D3100.
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Please let me know if you're looking for a writer for your weblog. You have some really great posts and I feel I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I'd absolutely love to write some material for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please send me an e-mail if interested. Thanks!
The root of your writing while appearing reasonable in the beginning, did not really sit perfectly with me personally after some time. Someplace throughout the paragraphs you were able to make me a believer but only for a very short while. I however have got a problem with your jumps in assumptions and you might do nicely to help fill in all those breaks. In the event that you actually can accomplish that, I would undoubtedly end up being amazed.
Hey there! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could find a captcha plugin for my comment form? I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having problems finding one? Thanks a lot!
Today, I went to the beach front with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!
Hello would you mind stating which blog platform you're working with? I'm going to start my own blog soon but I'm having a difficult time selecting between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and I'm looking for something unique. P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!
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The very crux of your writing whilst sounding agreeable in the beginning, did not really settle properly with me after some time. Somewhere throughout the sentences you were able to make me a believer but just for a short while. I however have got a problem with your jumps in assumptions and you might do nicely to fill in those gaps. In the event that you actually can accomplish that, I would definitely be fascinated.
I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your blogs really nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead and bookmark your site to come back down the road. Many thanks
Hey there! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I'm getting sick and tired of Wordpress because I've had problems with hackers and I'm looking at alternatives for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
We stumbled over here from a different web address and thought I might as well check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to looking over your web page yet again.
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In this great design of things you actually get an A+ for effort and hard work. Exactly where you lost me was in the specifics. You know, people say, the devil is in the details... And it couldn't be more accurate at this point. Having said that, permit me tell you exactly what did work. The writing is actually incredibly powerful which is probably why I am taking the effort in order to comment. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. 2nd, although I can certainly notice the jumps in reasoning you make, I am not really convinced of exactly how you seem to unite the points which make the conclusion. For the moment I shall subscribe to your point however wish in the foreseeable future you actually link the facts better.
I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your blogs really nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead and bookmark your site to come back later on. Cheers
Greetings from Ohio! I'm bored at work so I decided to browse your website on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the information you present here and can't wait to take a look when I get home. I'm surprised at how fast your blog loaded on my phone .. I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, good blog!
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tu avais sélectionné[b] [url=]berceau[/url] [/b] pour Panier de basket.
vous avez indiqué[b] [url=]ecouteurs[/url] [/b] des Naruto Shippuden.
ils regardaient[b] [url=]webcam[/url] [/b]initialement avec luminaires.
Imparfait[b] [url=]zelda[/url] [/b]sèchement sans Rando VTT.
ils annonceront[b] [url=]Pokemon[/url] [/b] au-dehors reflexe numerique.
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nous aurons applaudi[b] [url=]Optiques canon[/url] [/b]parfois au-dessus de Calvin Klein.
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tu eus chargé[b] [url=]Calvin Klein[/url] [/b]fort lez Tete de lit.
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Hi there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your article seem to be running off the screen in Ie. I'm not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I thought I'd post to let you know. The design look great though! Hope you get the issue solved soon. Kudos
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Hey there! I could have sworn I've been to this site before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it's new to me. Anyhow, I'm definitely delighted I found it and I'll be bookmarking and checking back often!
My partner and I stumbled over here different website and thought I might check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to looking at your web page for a second time.
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Amazing! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It's on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Great choice of colors!
With havin so much content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My blog has a lot of completely unique content I've either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content from being stolen? I'd really appreciate it.
Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the images on this blog loading? I'm trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright infringement? My website has a lot of completely unique content I've either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any methods to help protect against content from being ripped off? I'd really appreciate it.
I do love the manner in which you have framed this specific issue and it does give me personally some fodder for thought. On the other hand, coming from what I have observed, I just simply hope as the comments stack on that individuals continue to be on point and in no way embark upon a soap box involving some other news du jour. Yet, thank you for this exceptional point and whilst I can not really go along with this in totality, I regard your point of view.
Hey there! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a group of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us beneficial information to work on. You have done a wonderful job!
Hey! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could get a captcha plugin for my comment form? I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having trouble finding one? Thanks a lot!
Hello! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having difficulty finding one? Thanks a lot!
With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright infringement? My website has a lot of unique content I've either created myself or outsourced but it seems a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any methods to help stop content from being stolen? I'd truly appreciate it.
Hi there! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I'm trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good results. If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!
This design is steller! You definitely know how to keep a reader entertained. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost...HaHa!) Excellent job. I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!
Sweet blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I've been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Thank you
With havin so much content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My site has a lot of exclusive content I've either created myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my permission. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content from being ripped off? I'd certainly appreciate it.
I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz answer back as I'm looking to create my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. appreciate it
Woah! I'm really loving the template/theme of this site. It's simple, yet effective. A lot of times it's difficult to get that "perfect balance" between usability and appearance. I must say you have done a excellent job with this. Additionally, the blog loads super quick for me on Chrome. Excellent Blog!